Pregnant woman charged after hitting alleged thief with SUV

ASHEVILLE, North Carolina --
The Asheville Police Department charged a pregnant woman with misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon after she ran over an alleged thief with her SUV in a Walmart parking lot Wednesday afternoon.WLOS-TV in Asheville has exclusive video of the incident.
Christine Braswell, 26, spoke with the TV station after it happened. She said she caught the man, later identified as Robert Raines, rummaging through her SUV. When he ran off with her purse, she got in her SUV and ran over him.
"He was with my purse and he took off and I took off after him," Braswell told News 13. "Me being five months pregnant, I chased a little ways then come back, jumped in the car, threw it in gear and come across the curb and ran him over. I was not going to let him get away with it. It's not right, it's not fair."Raines was taken to the hospital after the incident with minor injuries. He's charged with felony breaking and entering, larceny and misdemeanor damage to property.
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