‘Rick and Morty’ Season 3 Trailer: ‘Mad Max,’ Murder and Pickle Rick
Rejoice! Only one more month until new episodes of “Rick and Morty.”
Adult Swim released the first full look at Season 3 on Thursday, complete with the long-awaited confirmation that the intergalactic adventures of the title characters will indeed return on July 30.
With this show, anthropomorphized food is par for the course, so it’s no surprise that this sneak peek at Season 3 starts with a meme-ready intro of the newly christened Pickle Rick. There’s also colorful chaos, graphic dismemberment and whatever gave Morty that murderous Mr. Universe arm — you know, typical “Rick and Morty” stuff.
And it looks like most of the show’s cast of characters are making return visits as well. Filling out the rest of the Sanchez family tree, Jerry and Beth are back for more mayhem. As for Morty’s sister, let’s just say we’re keeping a watchful eye out for “Honey, We Blew Up the Summer.”
Some of the footage might be familiar to fans who caught the surprise Season 3 premiere stream on April Fool’s Day. As for the previous two seasons, Adult Swim currently has a 24-hour marathon of “Rick and Morty” episodes for anyone looking to catch up in the next four weeks.
With all those alien-insect hybrids, we’re hoping this somehow means a miraculous reappearance of cheery assassin Krombopulos Michael somewhere in this season, too. (Oh boy, here I go cameoin’ again.)
Wubba Lubba Dub Dub and roll that preview!
“Rick and Morty” Season 3 premieres on July 30 at 11:30 p.m. on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim.
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