
Travel ban 2.0 set to begin Thursday evening

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ISIS Reverts to Insurgent Roots to Pose Long-Term Threat, Study Says

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Counterterrorism specialists said the new study illuminates a trend that has been emerging for several months, as American-backed ground forces in Iraq and Syria have steadily rolled back territorial gains the Islamic State achieved in 2014 and used as the basis for its global appeal to Muslims to come join the caliphate. Now, its strongholds of...


Dimissioni, polemiche e quell'attacco sul "tacco 12". La Commissione pari opportunità: "No a discriminazioni" []

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di Glenda Venturini

Nel dibattito seguito all'annuncio delle dimissioni del vicesindaco, era stato il consigliere di opposizione Camiciottoli a dire: "Come ha scritto su Facebook una sostenitrice di Bucci, non erano stati votati per i rinfreschi e i tacchi 12". Da qui la campagna #cervellointacco12 lanciata da donne di maggioranza e della giunta,...


Trump rips media, mocks Pelosi at closed-door fundraiser

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The president continued to bash a favorite target on Wednesday: the media. | AP Photo

President Donald Trump, facing dimming approval ratings and a stalled legislative agenda, rolled out his greatest hits on Wednesday evening — ripping into CNN, assailing House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and hailing his party’s string of special e...


CNN’s Van Jones admits Russia story a ‘big nothing burger’ in undercover video — RT America

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Project Veritas has released another video showing a CNN employee admit the Russian scandal gripping US politics is “just a big nothing burger.”

Political commentator Van Jones was filmed by a member of the conservative organization Project Veritas saying the Russia story is “just a big nothing burger.”

This comes in the wake of the...