- Mondo - Amnesty: "Depenalizzare in toto la prostituzione"
1) [0.16 ms]SET NAMES 'utf8'
2) [0.14 ms]select * from view_fe_epaper_token_ip_unlimited where range_ip=''
3) [0.67 ms]select * from view_fe_epaper_token_ip_unlimited where range_ip = '62.149.141'
4) [0.14 ms]select * from view_fe_msg_user
5) [0.14 ms]select * from ext_epaper_edition order by edition desc limit 12
6) [0.16 ms]select date_edition from ext_annunci limit 1
7) [0.2 ms]select * from ext_epaper_edition order by edition desc limit 1
8) [0.25 ms]select keyword from search_autocomplete
9) [0.16 ms]select * from sections where /*idmain_sections=1 or*/ idmain_sections=2 and active=0
10) [0.16 ms]select * from sections where idmain_sections=3 and active=0
11) [1.02 ms]select * from view_fe_list_contents where id_contents=136825 and (idmain_sections=1 or idmain_sections=2)
12) [0.15 ms]select * from sections where subsections=1 and active=0 and name like 'mondo' limit 1
13) [0.27 ms]select * from sections where active=0 and name like 'politica' limit 1
14) [1.58 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136825 and ( (idobject_types=1 and title not like '%key%') or (idobject_types=1 and title like '%key%' and date_object > (curdate() - interval 7 day) or (idobject_types!=1)) )
15) [2.69 ms]select * from view_fe_contents_fe_zone_sections where id_contents 136825 and id_sections=3 and id_type_zone99 limit 16
16) [0.96 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136826
17) [0.95 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136815
18) [0.93 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136827
19) [0.93 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136803
20) [0.9 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136811
21) [0.87 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136791
22) [0.9 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136785
23) [0.9 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136830
24) [0.95 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136831
25) [0.9 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136823
26) [0.9 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136822
27) [0.89 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136832
28) [0.9 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136806
29) [0.91 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136770
30) [0.88 ms]select id_objects,first as img_first,src as img_src,path as img_path from view_fe_rel_objects where first=0 and idobject_types=1 and id_contents=136784
31) [1.47 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_sections=5 order by idobject_types,first,obj_order desc
32) [66.07 ms]update contents set hits=hits+1 where id_contents=136825
33) [47.79 ms]insert into log_click (id_contents,time_click) values(136825,now())
34) [0.43 ms]select * from parameters where key_1='id_template' and name='template' /*inc.header.php*/
35) [1.68 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136825 and idobject_types = 5
36) [1.8 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136826 and idobject_types = 5 and date_object > (curdate() - interval 30 day) order by date_object desc limit 3
37) [1.41 ms]select * from view_fe_list_contents where id_contents in(136647,136684,136686) order by date_pubblication desc limit 3 /*suggeriti*/
38) [1.58 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136815 and idobject_types = 5 and date_object > (curdate() - interval 30 day) order by date_object desc limit 3
39) [1.4 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136827 and idobject_types = 5 and date_object > (curdate() - interval 30 day) order by date_object desc limit 3
40) [1.75 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136803 and idobject_types = 5 and date_object > (curdate() - interval 30 day) order by date_object desc limit 3
41) [1.08 ms]select * from view_fe_list_contents where id_contents in(136647,136684,136729) order by date_pubblication desc limit 3 /*suggeriti*/
42) [1.56 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136811 and idobject_types = 5 and date_object > (curdate() - interval 30 day) order by date_object desc limit 3
43) [1.1 ms]select * from view_fe_list_contents where id_contents in(136682,136709,136766) order by date_pubblication desc limit 3 /*suggeriti*/
44) [1.47 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136791 and idobject_types = 5 and date_object > (curdate() - interval 30 day) order by date_object desc limit 3
45) [1.59 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136785 and idobject_types = 5 and date_object > (curdate() - interval 30 day) order by date_object desc limit 3
46) [0.95 ms]select * from view_fe_list_contents where id_contents in(136767) order by date_pubblication desc limit 3 /*suggeriti*/
47) [1.45 ms]select * from view_fe_rel_objects where id_contents=136830 and idobject_types = 5 and date_object > (curdate() - interval 30 day) order by date_object desc limit 3
48) [1.76 ms]select * from view_fe_poll where id_contents=136825 order by id_poll desc limit 1
49) [0.14 ms]select * from view_fe_epaper_token_ip_unlimited where range_ip = '62.149.141'
50) [1.94 ms]select * from view_fe_contents_fe_zone_sections where id_sections=127 limit 2
51) [9.08 ms]select view_fe_list_contents.id_contents as id_contents,view_fe_list_contents.title as title,view_fe_list_contents.subtitle as subtitle,view_rel_objects.title as film,view_rel_objects.src as id_movie FROM view_fe_list_contents INNER JOIN view_rel_objects ON view_fe_list_contents.id_contents = view_rel_objects.id_contents where id_subsections=73 and idobject_types=15 and date_pubblication >= now() -interval 20 day and obj_preview like '%[15]%' limit 2
52) [0.2 ms]select luogo from movie_schedule group by luogo order by luogo
53) [1.51 ms]select * from ext_agenda where giorno_inizio='2015-08-12' and length(note)
54) [0.34 ms]select luogo from ext_agenda group by luogo order by luogo
55) [0.13 ms]select rubriche,r_id from ext_agenda where luogo like "%Lugano%"group by rubriche,r_id order by rubriche
Total query time: [171.24 ms]