
Riviera Oggi » Provincia di Teramo, approvato rendiconto gestione 2016 e nominata nuova Commissione pari opportunità

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TERAMO –  Con un avanzo disponibile di circa 1 milione di euro è stato approvato il 29 giugno dal Consiglio provinciale il rendiconto finanziario del 2016. Un “bilancio in sofferenza” come è stato definito sia dal relatore, il consigliere Mario Nugnes, sia dagli altri consiglieri intervenuti (Federico Agostinelli e Severino Serrani). Un...


Costituito a Termini Imerese il comitato pari opportunità del consiglio dell'ordine degli Avvocati

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A seguito di elezione si è costituito il comitato Pari Opportunità del consiglio dell’ordine degli Avvocati di Termini Imerese. Ne fanno parte gli avvocati: Andrea Giovanni Cartella, Provvidenza Di Lisi, Irina Di Piazza, Arianna Marsala, Liliana Puleo, Debora Sansone e Rosa Maria Sciortino.Il Comitato al suo interno ha eletto presidente l’avvocato...


The NRA recruitment video that is even upsetting gun owners

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“They use their media to assassinate real news,” the woman’s voice says scornfully. “They use their schools to teach children that their president is another Hitler. They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.”

It may sound like an excerpt from North Korean state television...


Travel ban takes effect as State Department defines ‘close family’

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After five months of bitter legal squabbling, the Trump administration’s modified travel ban took effect Thursday night under new guidelines designed to avert the chaos of the original rollout. But the rules will still keep many families split and are likely to spawn a new round of court fights.

The State Department on Thursday announced new...


Administration Moves to Carry Out Partial Travel Ban

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Critics immediately denounced the administration, accusing the White House of violating the Supreme Court’s directive to exempt anyone with a “bona fide” family connection to the United States. Civil rights groups vowed to challenge what they said was a renewed attempt by Mr. Trump to keep Muslims out of the country.

“It remains clear that P...